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AI Global Healthcare Initiative

AI @ Point Of Care

Moving to a world of predictive methodologies to protect and advance public health.

AI@POC Work Team Goal

The AI at the Point of Care Team (AI@POC) is designed for physicians, healthcare system members, and innovators seeking to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve patient care, clinical workflow, system operations, and also reduce unnecessary costs.

Establish a reliable digital framework for sharing knowledge and insights between both clinical and technical experts through collaboration and active use case discussions.

Develop successful practices and recommendations, addressing concerns related to the development, implementation, and usage of AI tools.

Create a reliable mechanism to assess the trustworthiness of potential AI products, establishing a well-informed adoption across the healthcare environment. (Note: Trustworthiness is a measure of the products’ integrity, transparency, explicability, ethicality, etc.)

Foster communication across an open-access network of Providers, Implementors, and Innovators to encourage responsible AI adoption at the Point of Care.

AI@POC Problem Statement

AI has the potential to forever alter the operating paradigm of high performing healthcare systems at all levels and across all domains. The safe and effective development, implementation, and ongoing use of AI tools and resources requires participation of all key stakeholders to:

Improve system operations

Improve patient safety and care

Increase effectiveness of clinical workflow and healthcare services

Reduce unnecessary costs

TheAI@POC Team will develop outcomes to address the above challenges. Emphasis will be placed on creating deliverables that provide maximum ROI. (Note: ROI is defined as Relationships, Outcomes, and Improvements.)

AI@POC Deliverables

The first year (September 2021 – October 2022) goal for the AI@POC Team was to establish a reliable digital framework for sharing knowledge and insights between both clinical and technical experts through collaboration and active use case discussions.

Deliverables will include:

Adoption Matrix Model by Use case, easing the Adoption curve

Implementation Matrix Model by Use case, leading to an Implementation Playbook

AI@POC Levels of Engagement

Core Members

Committed to maintaining goals and the active stewardship of deliverables


Contributors and developers of deliverables; based on areas of interest

General Group

Knowledgeable/informed; provide input for subgroup deliverables

AI@POC Team Leaders

Join the AI@POC Work Team

You have an opportunity to work with your peers to improve patient care, clinical workflow, and system operations by leveraging the possibilities of Augmented Intelligence.

The AI@POC Team operates virtually from September to August annually, led by a structured leadership team to achieve predefined goals.

Team leaders present the work outcome at the annual AI Summit. You’ll be acknowledged for your contributions at the Summit and in team publications.

Meeting frequency and duration are determined by the needs to support progress. Team members volunteer based on expertise.

If you are interested in joining the AI@POC Working Team, please note:

  • It is expected that you participate in the standing meetings (schedule is determined by each team).
  • Plan on a time commitment of 5 hours per month, but this may vary.

The AFDO/RAPS Healthcare Products Collaborative is a joint venture established in 2022 between the Association of Food and Drug Officials and the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society. Learn more.


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© 2024 AFDO/RAPS Healthcare Products Collaborative