Media Policy and Media Registration for AFDO/RAPS Healthcare Products Collaborative Events
The AFDO/RAPS Healthcare Products Collaborative (HPC) events are focused on offering an engaging collaborative space for those whose work in the healthcare products field on behalf of patient care both from a regulatory and product development perspective.
Qualified members of the media can apply for complimentary registration for HPC events in advance. The number of media registrations may be limited based on overall attendance, and walk-ins are not allowed. Registration as media does not guarantee access to an HPC event in its entirety.
There maybe be sessions that are not open to members of the media. Sessions will be clearly indicated on the program and will be announced at the beginning of those sessions. Members of the media who attend a session or sessions are expected to abide by the code of conduct outlined below.
Media registration is open to editors and reporters with valid press credentials working full-time for print, broadcast, or web-based publications. Bloggers will be considered on an individual basis. Application for registration should be made to media@healthcareproducts.org.
Please provide one of the following to be considered for this registration type:
Bylined articles published by your media organization within the last three months
Masthead demonstrating your role as editor, reporter, or content contributor
Copy of credential issued by your media organization or a governmental agency
Published coverage from a prior HPC event
Freelance journalists should also include a signed assignment letter and clips published by the assigning media organization within the last six months.
AFDO/RAPS Healthcare Products Collaborative understands that credentialed members of the media in attendance may use audio and photography devices for notetaking. Member of the media should be aware that the use of such devices can change the depth of content and candor of speakers. The Collaborative also notifies conference presenters about members of the media who have registered to be in attendance. Members of the media are advised that publication or dissemination of audio or video content captured during an HPC event or a transcript of the same requires the express permission of the subject or subjects as well as notification of HPC leadership. That notification of intent should be addressed to media@healthcareproducts.org not less than five business days prior to the event’s start.